Kindergarten Genisis

Posted by jael on Oct 17, 2010 in Education, Parenting, Spiritual Journey |

I was grateful to hear a message about beginning well from Genisis.  The celebrant gave an example from his family, his son went to Kindergarten and won the Student of the Week Award.  This pastor said there is something inherent in us that celebrates beginnings, and beginning well.

As such, I have thought much about Genesis this week, and beginning well.

Naturally, I was delighted  to receive the following email from my kindergartner’s teacher:  “Thought you’d enjoy knowing that Ms. Head of School read [The Baby’s] poem/scarecrow project today over the intercom during morning time.  It was adorable and [The Baby] just beamed with pride!!  She brings me such JOY!!!”

I know you must read it now, so here is her song:

I could while away the homework,
Conferring with my mamma,
Consulting with [Ms Teacher].
And my head I’d be scratchin’
While my thoughts were busy hatchin’
If I only had [School Name] brain.

I’d unravel every riddle
For any boy or girl
In trouble or in pain
With the thoughts I’d be thinkin’
I could be anothet [Head Master’s Last Name]
If I only had a [School Name] brain.

Oh I could tell you why
The Big Room’s lots of fun,
I could think of things I’d never thunk before
And then I’d sit, and read some more.

I would not be just a nothin’
My head all full of stuffin’
My heart all full of pain
I would love and be Christian
Life would be my living mission
If I only had a [School Name] brain.

The Baby

Fractured from, “If I Only had a Brain,” The Wizard of Oz, Harold Arlen, E.Y. Harburg

We love to begin well!  The Baby did…

And even though
It all went wrong
I’ll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah!


Oct 18, 2010 at 1:39 am

She is SO NOT in kindergarten! She has left us in the dust, that beautiful and soul-full Baby! I so adore her deep, sweet spirit, as I do her mama’s.

My web has been slow to connect us recently. You are forever in the sticky middle, but some weeks, the strings pull, but do not connect. You KNOW always the web is open and wiggly, reaching far across to keep us connected. keep me close, as I do you. so dear, loving mother…

Oct 18, 2010 at 10:36 am

I can so see this beaming and sweet little face – and for sure she does have the …. brain!! What a Genesis this has become for her after all – and for the family.



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