Love Song

Posted by jael on Mar 18, 2011 in Religion, Spiritual Journey |

Dear Father God,

We glorify your name. Beloved Lord, we rejoice always as you are our Rock, our Fortress, and our Salvation. Father God, our rock, in you we find protection and power. You alone are our shield that saves us. Though you dwell in the secret place of the most high, you abide with us. Hear our cries Lord, we are hungry for your comfort and Love. We thirst for your wisdom and the refuge of your Word. Anoint us so that we can hear the passion of your heart that breaks with love for us and promises healing.

Blessed Father, hallowed be thy name. We are your people. We rejoice always Father and give thanks in all circumstances; for this is your will through Christ Jesus. We will say of the Lord, you are our Refuge and Fortress, our God, in you we will trust. Surely you will deliver us from the snare and bathe us in the Truth of your Light and Mercy.

Father, we gather together today in solidarity. Draw us near, Lord, hear our hearts that seek your comfort and healing. Invade us with a unity of purpose that will break down walls and heal people.

Open, up the skies of Mercy and rain down upon our hearts. Help quiet the storms that rage all around us and help us hear your Love Song play over our lives. You made it so bright and beautiful out there today, Abba, help us drink in that Light. Help us forgive ourselves and heal our relationships through forgiveness and Grace. Rush in upon every aspect where are strength wearies and please continue to grow our characters to bring Glory to your Name. Help us measure others by the Hand that knit our lives together and abandon all judgement.

We want to hear your Love song. Help us listen to the music you play in our lives with Thanksgiving. Where there is Light and Laughter let us hear your Love Song. Where there is Light and Water, let us hear your Love Song. Where there is Light and community gathered, let us hear your Love Song. Where there is Light and work, Let us hear your Love Song.

Sing to us in the morning, Sing to us in the day, Sing to us in the evening, we can only love each other because you Loved us first.

We ask for the protection over our lives. We cannot know and do not understand every situation we face, Father, but know You entrust us to Love one another. Give us the wisdom to serve with generosity and intention that can only come from the Spirit.

We declare your majesty under your sovereignty and trust you are more than enough to supply our understanding and direct our course. We ask you to cover our hearts and community so that nothing can dissolve our unity of purpose. Father unite us such that the enemy can not gain a foothold upon any heart or divide us. We entrust our needs to you; we entrust you to prosper our families in health, even as thy soul prospers. For the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: and Father you come to deliver us, that we might have life more abundantly.

Unify our hearts to Love you and serve each other as we seek to do only your will in our lives. You know our every need spoken and unspoken. Hear our Hearts cry, hear them cry, “Abba we adore you!” Gird us with the fortitude to fast worry and rely solely on you. Help us see challenges as a way to trust you more.

Guide our hands, feet and choices, Father and help us be of good use today.

We believe that in the Truth of your Love Song. You say to us Father, Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever. Verily, verily, we Praise your Name and shout out, you are our rock! Nothing will tear us away from your refuge and hope. We will sing your Praise forever in Jesus name. Amen.

We love you,
Women of the Well




1 Comment

Mar 21, 2011 at 11:23 pm

“Help us measure others by the Hand that knit our lives together and abandon all judgement.”
~~such a beautiful image–the divine hand knitting our lives together, every stitch placed intentionally within the large finished and perfect product. What will it look like, in the end?

To recognize, to see the divine Creator’s hand in and upon every life we encounter…how would that change those encounters? To be patient because He has been patient with me. To love because He has loved me. To be long-suffering, to rejoice …
Thank you for this spark of hopeful, changing vision and sight.



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