Guest Post #1: Oldest Girl
Girls Will Be Girls
Girls Will Be Girls
I have heard it said that “boys will be boysâ€
They will run and wrestle, and play
I have heard it said that boys need fresh air and sunshine
They will get dirty, muddy, and bruised
If I have heard that boys will be boys, than of course you have heard
it said that girls will be girls
I have heard it said that girls will be girls
They will primp, polish, and prime
I have heard it said that girls  need lipstick and mascara
That will get powered, painted, and curled
I have heard it said that girls and boys are really just the same
Although I have heard it said that the two play a different game
No boy can equal the words of hurt that fly
From girls mouth because they really can try
To inflict the most hurt that they possibly can
Just for one moment when everyone laughs
Just for one moment where they get the spotlight
Maybe boys will be boys, and girls will girls
But one is by far more dangerous
Surround yourself with good girls, so that you to will be
The kind of girl who is not a girl who always tries to please, but a
girl who has a group of friends who would stay together until the end