Posted by jael on Apr 20, 2012 in
Spiritual Journey
I bathed in loving responses to Mistress Silence yesterday.
Thank you precious ones.
Used with permission, I post the one that wrapped my heart in a hand-stitched quilt and my response.
These words from my gifted Sister in Christ warm me like hot chocolate on a snow day after sledding.
To use her own words, may they bless you, “…If our lives can be poured out like a drink offering for the sake of others, then it is worth it.”
Dear Jael,
…Yes, please feel free to share on your blog. If our lives can be poured out like a drink offering for the sake of others, than it is worth it…
Oh how your words have resonated deep within.
The alluring silence is that indeed.
I know that temptation and have given in to it myself.
Trying to seek the Lord apart from praise is like trying to drive a car without fuel, or trying to drive in three feet of snow without four wheel drive…spinning the wheels, but going nowhere. I have forgotten my First Love and have gone through the motions of a marriage…loveless or at least numb on my part.
I … <had an opportunity>…yesterday. Much time and energy was put into prayer, thought, calculating and communicating… and ultimately gearing up to take that leap of faith…only to have the opportunity snatched away like a dangling carrot…
Yet…God is still faithful. Still loving. Still steadfast. Still the same…
He sang to me in the ice cream shop this evening in the form of Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way you Are”. Then, a short while later, He caught me off guard before the display of onions in Kroger in the form of Billy Joel’s “Just the Way You Are”
I know God doesn’t play games, but it sure does feel like it sometimes. Was yesterday’s move God’s or Him just sitting as the enemy moved his chess piece? I may never know. But when He sang to me in the shops, I knew, once again, that He is for me. And when I read your entry, I knew you’d understand.
We cannot diminish His love for us no matter what we do or don’t do.
Be encouraged, dear Jael. His mercies are new every day. His faithfulness is great. His plan is perfect, so matter what our eyes can see, our hearts perceive or our feelings think they dictate.
The Lord be with you, sister….
Much love to you,
Dearest Mononomous
I read Yesterday
a wonderful idea
I contemplated
for good use today
to seed Tomorrow.
Its gist was that fallen we,
sons of Adam
and daughters of Eve
view the world
as a dense globe,
a massive ball of rock
(…all but out of control…)
(too fast,
too fast,
I think I might puke…)
and orbiting the sun.
God, however,
sees the world as a glass bowl.
events to His
Face of Love
gleam Transparent,
and Perfectly Perceived.
He pours in
and out over us
from The Well of Life.
I share your Faith that God doesn’t play games.
I also take deep comfort
in the assurance that though
you may not understand why your leap was deferred_
Not yet,
not yet, my sweetling,
not yet, baby girl,
child mine,
not yet.
_He knows for certain.
And His plan for your life is
a good and marvelous one,
a perfect plan,
not easy every minute,
but good.
Love you so…
Baby I have been here before
I know this room, I’ve walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you.
I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Apr 18, 2012 in
Spiritual Journey
Silence may become as seductive a mistress as a golden idol breast.
I have been unfaithful.
Unlike Sméagol, I became a Gollum, not for making a horrible swallowing noise from my throat, but for the absence of my cry.
Even a Hallelujah.
Silence became my Precious.
Perilous Precious.
Stillness Precious.
Precious swill,
now no longer precious
Like infidelity, my precious silence has cost me.
The silence I wrapped around myself like an insidious shawl to camouflage my self-reliant perversity, protect my marriage, and keep me warm became like a sword in our bed.
Silence cut like a knife and it divided covenant promises as I bled quietly onto blank pages never penned.
Initially my silence had virtue. I chose to partner The Husband and heed God’s call on our family to move Here. All the fight in me became mute to the undeniable will of our Father and I was encased in an aisle of precious and Supernatural peace.
I knew that I was to wait upon the Lord,
Called to trust and obey.
And when I would bid Him
when would I feel fulfilled again,
He replied to me
just what he said to my sissy, Ester,
“Not yet.”
Historically, I am a hpyer-verbose verbal processor. I am a word girl who has a GRE vocabulary word ap on her iPhone just for kicks and giggles. I mention this not for bragging rights, but to confess I really am that much of a logophile. Words thrill me. I go weak in the knees for a bon mot with a powerful hilt or verb with a preposterous thrust.
However, as many detour signs I placed in my mind and thoughts I aborted mid sentence, no matter how many conversations I didn’t entertain, eventually the quiet of His peace mutated into the silent din of my own self-indulgent tantrums.
Are we there yet???
I have to go tee-tee…
I’m not happy Here…
I was drafted…
I’m tired…
It hurts…
I want to go home…
I am unfulfilled dammit!
You know it’s true,
I admit it’s true
and that I even stomped my feet too,
but oh, so quietly,
you couldn’t hear me,
I never made a sound.
However, my ever loving, intercessory Father has never needed words nor lightning bolts to make His will known.
In addition to His illustrious Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow sealed upon my heart, I also limped through my own disastrous yesterday.
Like tax day, silence left its bill.
The debt is large.
I diluted the unity of my marriage.
I created distance in key relationships.
I abandond this platform of Praise.
Here I am
a woman of His Word,
by a silent masquarade
of obedience,
led by feeling,
not by Faith-
even though
I know Who made me,
perfectly imperfect as I am.
I know Who died to set me free.
“Foolish child,”
He said to me with a chuckle
that tickles like a butterfly kiss
when His Grace restored
my senses,
I said, not yet.”
Waiting is.
Hear my cry, Lord.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
I did my best, it wasn’t much
I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch
I’ve told the truth, I didn’t come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I’ll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Mar 7, 2012 in
Spiritual Journey
William Glasser, M.D. challenges my beliefs with a yesterday, today, tomorrow reality that cousins Scripture. As adverse to idols as ever, I do not assert him a deity, rather I acknowledge that his psychology of personal freedom well partners my Christian faith. We all have vinyl in our heads, a combination of feel-good songs and rank rants. Within my mind, my shiny Jesus and Glasser are happy artists that both sing from the hopeful label of Joy.
Joy pours from the fountain of the stream of life as certainly as my deep cries out to Deep, “Come Lord Jesus come.”
How does Glasser factor into my prayers this morning?
Glasser’s concept of Total Behavior helps me consider why I choose to do (and choose not to do) the things I do.
Total Behavior refers to four components in Reality Therapy: Doing, Thinking, Feeling and Physiology.
Glasser challenges us to consider two, total behavior loops and their outcomes. One path examines total behavior that leads us away from our Quality World, what we value and desire. The other looks at total behavior that drives us toward our Quality World.
Glasser created a chart to visualize these choice loop complete with color symbology. Scarlet represents the total behavior loop that leads us away from our Quality World. Yellow symbolizes total behavior in accord with our Quality World outcomes.
I tell you all this to to confess that like Dorothy in her Ruby slippers I have wandered away from the yellow brick road of home, my Quality World, especially in regard to my writing.
Instead of writing, I’ve been depressed.
Glasser would confront this sentence with the friendly assertion that I have been choosing to depress or depressing. He would remind me that people choose to depress for many reasons that include the following: to keep anger under control, to get others to help them, to excuse unwillingness to choose something more effective and to gain power or control over others.
Glasser would encourage me to make choices that focus based on what I am doing (or could choose to do instead), instead of what I am feeling.
This is the direct opposite of what I have been doing of late. My focus has leaned too heavily on feeling instead of the cornerstone of my precious Faith and doing (putting my feet to it!).
All this emphasis on feeling kept my choices in the scarlet total behavior loop of withdrawal.
Wanting to feel less or feel differently, I’ve instead chosen to withdraw.
Like the impotent scrivener, Bartleby,
“I would prefer not to.”
So I’ve stopped talking,
and communicating-
especially to the people I most miss from There, our former home.
These choices haven’t made me feel better, in fact, this total behavior has deepened my choice to depress.
This post is a battle is my battle cry!
He makes everything glorius.
I prefer to!
I know my Redeemer lives.
I know my pen sings Him praise.
I know that I miss you because I love you so.
I know I should write.
I choose to post that my Redeemer lives!
I choose to write that my pen sings Him praise!
I choose to record here that I miss you because I love you so!
I choose to write!
“To be happy, I believe we need to be close to other happy people.” -William Glasser
To be happy, I believe I need to stay close to my dearest There-dwellers. Your portraits hang in my Quality World gallery under lights.
You say I took the name in vain
I don’t even know the name
But if I did, well, really, what’s it to you?
There’s a blaze of light in every word
It doesn’t matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
Posted by jael on Jan 17, 2012 in
Spiritual Journey
Major Mommy was deployed to Germany about the same time my family moved Here.
Major Mommy is a passionate sister in the Word, a beautiful friend, and an eager Well drinker.
We survived the Beatitudes study together…
I still wish we had made T-shirts for the other ladies!
Across the globe, we join forces to read Annonymous together.
As if in confirmation of that effort, I was overwhelmed by the God wink that awaited me in an email this morning:
Hi Jael,
“One of the most difficult lessons to master as we struggle to create effective change is to
learn not to label something as bad just because it is different from what we want.”
–Dr. William Glasser on page 32 in Take Charge of Your Life.
I wish I’d had this quote when Sylvester and I were writing our book on diversity. It really summarizes the message about embracing difference.
This echoes Alica Britt Chole’s assertion to never mistake God’s silence for His absence.
It reminds me again that anonymous seasons nurture potential and prepare us for Spring like bare trees in the winter.
The challenge is not to mistake bare for barren.
Silence does not equal absence.
Stillness is not lifeless.
I am grateful for God winks.
He consistently shows up in my day to day,
especially when I need Him most,
like this morning.
Bare is not barren.
Silence is not absence.
In the stillness, there is dancing.
Well Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
she tied you to her kitchen chair
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Jan 9, 2012 in
Spiritual Journey
Thank-you for asking.
Yes, I am absolutely crazy.
In fact, I’ve taken to describing my current cognitive condition as a non-concussive brain injury. Nothing hard or large hit me on the head, but I am nonetheless operationally impaired. My never great, short term memory is now completely shot. Like I can’t remember my children’s names shot. Never mind their birthdays, they always remind me of those anyway. Where as a recent CAT scan would prove my brain is physiologically intact, the road from the driveway There to the driveway  Here cost me at least 59 IQ points. They promise me it’s temporary. I operate like a brain injury patient who’s run away from her rehab facility. And the laundry. My physic wounding has also deleted my laundry function capacity. We live in a sea of dirty clothes piles. The children don’t even expect I’ll get their PE uniforms back to them in a timely manner. They taken to wearing them dirty and using lots of deodorant and body spray.
Some of you have seen this dysfunction in action, or should I say inaction?
It is from among that group I’ve gotten the question:
“Are you crazy?!?! Did I read that right?!?!?!?!? Tell me YOU DID NOT GET A PUPPY!!!!!!!”
Again, however testily queried, thank-you for asking, and trust I admire the emotion behind your multiple use of the exclamation point and question mark/exclamation point combo.
Very, “Really? Really!”
We did, in fact get the kids a puppy for Christmas.
Here he is:

Check out that sweetie-boy-face!
He’s of the smallest of Japanese breeds, Shiba Inu, and his name is Hoshi.
Hoshi is the Japanese word for star.
He is our widdle, shiny Christmas star.
Hoshi fulfills a pre-relocation promise The Husband made to the children. Much like Obama, The Husband vowed our babies would get a dog if we came to live in this little ,white house in Far Far Away.
Hoshi flashes us back to past years with newborns complete with nocturnal crying, potty explosions and scheduled time for tummy play.
I understand why you would ask if I was in my right mind to introduce a puppy into our transitional mix, but I already admitted that I’m really not.
And that’s OK.
It’s even good.
Not easy, but good.
It’s a time that challenges me to Trust Him more,
go deeper into The Word,
and always,
carry a plastic bag
when walking outside.
‘Cause poopy happens.
Well maybe there’s a God above
But all I’ve ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who’d OUT DREW YA
And it’s not a cry that you hear at night
It’s not somebody who’s seen in the light
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Jan 5, 2012 in
Spiritual Journey
I sing along with Addison Road’s beloved Praise song, What Do I Know Of Holy this morning:
I guess I thought that I had figured You out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees
Our ever Patient, Holy Father ministers of me this week. As ever, He heard my plea for intercession and has bathed Light into darkness. In fact, He downloaded a treatment plan and bid me follow.
Just like the Grinch on the Christmas morning, I puzzled, How could it be so? It came without ribbons! It came without tags! Â It came without packages, boxes or bags!
Selfish, little, Burning-Bush-girl me, was admittedly disappointed in its simple, righteous stock. Nonetheless, He was as clear as a prism breaks Light into rainbows:
Foolish, Baby Girl,
You’re never gonna pull this off
on your own strength.
Aren’t you tired?
Get off the gerbil wheel,
Re-read Anonymous,
Get back into the Word,
Turn to Me,
My Will is sufficient enough plan for your life.
Fallen, broken and selfish I may be, but stupid I am not, and I AM tired.
Monday I began to Re-read Anonymous,
get back into the Word,
Turn to Him,
<Again, and again,
and again,
a combination of prayer
and thought redirection….>
And seek spiritual confirmation of His Sufficiency in my life.
It won’t surprise you, sweet fellow Sojourners, that His scandalous Grace is more abundant than the stars in the Milky Way.
Every day since, I found Him waiting for me in Alicia’s text as He used her teaching to burst open the Word to me anew.
In random moments, He’s prompted me with a thought that helped to nurture an insight.
and again,
and Tomorrow,
that be how He do.
He comes without ribbons! He comes without tags! Â He comes without packages, boxes or bags!
Just as He came, born in a stinky stable as lowly shepherds bore Holy surrender to His Grace, fallen into the skein of man, but entirely God.
He comes to me today as He came then, a certain presence of divine Love.
When I turn to Him,
Genuinely wide,
He shows up,
Every time.
The palpable pulse of the Living Word feeds the hungry and draws water for the thirsty from the Well of Life.
My Jesus is still too shiny to be any good at hide-and-seek,
but I do have to look for Him,
not just with my eyes,
but with an open heart
and every breath a hallelujah.
When I catch a glimpse of who He might be, the slightest hint of Him brings me down to my knees.
Well there was a time when you let me know
What’s really going on below
But now you never show that to me do you?
And remember when I moved in you?
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Jan 3, 2012 in
Spiritual Journey
Where in the hell have I been?
I lead you on.
I tell you that I’m going to write
and I don’t.
Am I a blogger or a bad man?
Ah me, pray tell not a bad blogger!
December slapped me on the bottom so hard it was like being born again.
Not in the good, shiny Jesus kind of way.
In the bad, gooey, birth squall,
OH-GOD-IT-HURTS kind of way.
Suffice it to say the banal intersected with the tragic and fried my mother board.
Triage became the cycle set on my washer and, like the rest of you,
I just ran loads and tried to stay even:
Gingerbread Houses,
Wish Lasagna,
Family divided,
New roles assigned,
and the C-word,
Amid the sorts there were also:
Sweet reunions,
Happy babies,
A new puppy,
Surprise glazes,
Hotmilk Cake,
Sacred text,
Time together,
God winks plenty enough
to o’r pour my pitcher.
Because of His Strength and Grace alone, I celebrate that I came through intact.
The Husband and I gave our children their first Christmas Here well.
God be praised.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and His call upon our lives,
but in December,
that was all that I had in me.
There were days I felt like a child forced outside to play.
I sat on the teeter-totter
of depression
and scooted
for purchase,
for balance.
Through His stength alone I did not fall.
In fact, He carried me.
I am so grateful.
happy enough,
and still Here.
Thank you for praying, texting, emailing, calling and even making plane reservations!
Thank you for caring.
I missed you too.
I love you.
Well baby I’ve been here before
I’ve seen this room and I’ve walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew ya
I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Dec 8, 2011 in
Spiritual Journey
Instead of pictures, I extend word portraits of some of my biggest moments during my recent trip to There:
Friday, December 2
Early to rise
Drop boys
and kiss,
Operation Poinsettia 2011
School of There
still there.
Torches lit,
hugs and reunions,
squeezes and lifts,
hooded nods mumble,
sweetest sweet!
clean stage
and load, load, load!
Starbucks and plant plots,
Tears for Trundle,
new tears in ancient halls
Mind what you have learned, Save you it can.
Do or do not, there is no try.
Covenance renewed
McWholeFoods breaks bread
Wowo Well
“You’re forever here,
I’ll never forget youâ€
Mamma grief plant
’til we meet again
at TCS upper school.
Salad bar
and chunky peanut butter cookies Whole
AHS hello again to Coach Bold Sassafras
Sutherland Janey,
“You constantly make my life easier in a million ways.â€
“Get outta here,You go girl!â€
“This is from Louie, she says thank you and you know why…â€
“Squeal…Ooooh, love her! Tell her I love her!!â€
Target bracelets tied up with sparkle bling
Panther pick-up blitz
“This is from The Middle Girl,â€
Places bracelets on eager open wrists
“She wants you to know your friendship still encircles her heart and she still misses you so.â€
Wrist kiss vows.
“This is from The Oldest Girl,â€
Places bracelet on eager open wrist
“she wants you to know your friendship still encircles her heart and she still misses you so.â€
Wrist kiss vows.
“Don’t go anywhere!â€
“I got one for you too!â€
New Covenant,
6th grade Girl’s Club,
and G tower lifts.
Dr. D’s dignified diva,
Miss V leaps,
tiny octogenarian feet dangle
from reunion bear hug
“Yes, Jesus!
….Mmm hmmm….
Yes, Jesus!â€
Bodos remembers Tom’s 911
Barrett’s three,
Father, Spirit, Son.
Colonade curious
Foundations affirm
Starbucks bookend.
Happy Christmas,
Merry Holidays!
Home again.
“I just have questionsâ€
“I think what the problem is…”
“…There might be a middle ground…
the people who talk too much…
they’re not in the middle…â€
“Why can’t I give a poinsettia to a Jehovah’s Witness??
Why is it a Christmas Plant?”
Don’t belive me,
“Google it!â€
Sleep tight.
I will draw near to You.
Well there was a time when you let me know
What’s really going on below
But now you never show that to me do you?
And remember when I moved in you?
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Dec 8, 2011 in
Spiritual Journey
Instead of pictures, I extend word portraits of some of my biggest moments during my recent trip to There:
Thursday, December 1
French Press morning
extends Johnny
Rise and Shine.
Meet poinsettia truck
High school Louis
poinsettia skips
“It’s poinsettia day, A!â€
Coffee at Mall with Princess
“It’s really you! It’s really you!â€
She saves my feet
and gifts her mules.
Starbuck reunion with Mamma L and Johnny
Communion of updates,
Fellowship undergirds Praise.
Purest Benediction
unwavering Love.
Princess lays Chipotle banquet,
lime salt rocks
hot salsa’s kiss
free Diet Coke refills
flow as liquid as the laughter
and stories shared.
caffeine amps
Attitude’s poinsettias.
Cher snips side bang sass
and mirth as wide open
as a fresh eyebrow wax.
Stage 4 surprise stop.
“Who you got with you?â€
“Let me give you a hint…long hair…and I clean a kitchen so hard I throw away toasters that ain’t dirty…â€
“It’s not Jael is it!?â€
feisty woman
cachinnation spice
Cancer cannot fade how He loves her,
Car switch
commands carryout confessions
…mumble, mumble…
“Because I’ve been doing something bad…â€
“Don’t even tell me your marriage is in trouble!â€
Caesar salad concert buzz.
Ruby Tuesday’s toasts
AHS lauds director,
orchestra ovations.
Homeward bound.
Well I heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don’t really care for music, do ya?
Well it goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Posted by jael on Dec 8, 2011 in
Spiritual Journey
Instead of pictures, I extend word portraits of some of my biggest moments during my recent trip to There:
Wednesday, November 30
Arrival There
Solid ground.
Big hugs & Starbucks,
Vinte skinny vanilla lattes
seep joy’s tears
Reduced Fat Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake
render extremities
with extreme sweet.
Spring Q
Mall slide,
B wants, “5 more minutes Here.”
Boys nap,
Mommies pedicure,
purple gel toe-toes.
Surprise McGirls
a trio of squeals harmonize
welcome home.
San Pellegrino Sparking Natural Mineral Water
Jiff chunky peanut butter
lather tart apples,
grateful to share
daily Bread.
Church sojourn,
Sausage ball side,
wide open surprise,
“I gotta pee!”
Women at the well
Redolent Mamma L wonder
uncontainable Joy.
Indescribable Love
flies to Jesus
and Lives.
Well baby I’ve been here before
I’ve seen this room and I’ve walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew ya
I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah