Gettin’ It Right

Posted by jael on Sep 27, 2010 in Parenting, Spiritual Journey

Several significant events transpired over the past week:

1.)  I learned that my spiritual ministry is off balance as I withhold it from myself.

2.)  I realized that I must, must, must give The Boy more autonomy and take him less personally.

3.)  My Father held me on His lap.  He wore an old shirt, just like The Husband does at church, so that the mascara on his shoulder didn’t matter.

4.)  Broken Hallelujah achieved 30 days, and then, 30 posts.  (Small in the comparative litmus of the Internet, huge in terms of an investment from me to me.)

5.)  I enjoyed reunion with my Foster Daughter.  FD may be one of the most physically,  beautiful people I have ever met.  A natural strawberry blonde, and eyebrows of a magazine cover, she’s simply shiny with potential, and she belongs on the stage.  She lives in NYC now.  She’s courageous enough to risk and leverage her gifts.  She’s all done with what was done to her:  she’s rescued herself.   When I first met her, there was much triage, and my constant point of focus was… “What does she need?’  Last night, we sat across each other at The Cheesecake Factory, of all places.  The dinner was replete with wonder, and we both ate cheesecake… joint recovery miracles unto themselves.  Tummy tight with delight, I looked across the table at this now-sophisticated-young-woman, and realized how much growth and hope she’s spun into the fabric of our family life.  A sacred chord.   FD is as unexpected a gift from God as I have ever received.

6.)  I gave The Middle Girl an experience today that so reverberated with joy and friends, she may well remember it when she’s 30.

I remain uncertain of many things.  In this past month with you, however, I have confronted demons, sent my baby to kindergarten, identified lids, not run away from home, and mined gifts.

Tonight, I celebrate some things I got right.

Gettin’ it right lifts Hallelujah!

Realizing that  I get it right more often than I get it wrong isn’t vanity, it’s sanity!

Maybe I’ve been here before
I know this room, I’ve walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you
I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch
love is not a victory march
It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

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